CASE Study

Riverside County District Attorney's Office unravels not-for-profit deceit

As with many schools across the nation, a public high school in Riverside County, California takes pride in the clubs and extracurriculars offered to students. With that comes the need to fundraise and pay dues so the clubs can operate. With a large high school, that can result in a lot of money moving--in this case around $5.5M over a four-year period. Thus, an opportunity for a Not-For-Profit Corporation to step in and help manage the money arose.

One individual took on increasingly greater leadership roles, until she effectively gained complete control of the Corporation. Parents at the high school noticed things were not being handled properly. Missing checks and delayed payments prompted the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department to launch an investigation and identify persuasive evidence of wrongdoing. After referring the matter to the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office for prosecution, a full population data review with Valid8 was undertaken.

With the Riverside County DA’s Office having to sort through thousands of transactions over a four-year period, they needed to bring in a solution to help process the data effectively. So, they turned to Valid8.


Undertook a full population review of the authenticated financial evidence in hand, including hand-written check images, to identify numerous instances of wrongdoing. They were able to dissect the data to expose additional money removed from the account--money raised by students at bake sales or paid by parents for costumes, instruments, competitions, etc.--and used to pay the defendant’s rent, child’s tuition, personal credit cards, personal legal fees, friends, and associates.
Used Valid8’s filtering capabilities to identify transactions with specific characteristics and within specific date periods to point directly to money being misused.
Directly matched each check image to the corresponding bank statement transaction and populated the check image in one-click, which helped the DA’s office provide court-ready evidence.


Check Images: Check images were automatically reconciled against bank statement entries in a matter of days.
Resource Efficiency: It would have taken the Riverside County team up to six weeks to process the data without Valid8. With Valid8, they did it in two. So, Valid8 freed up valuable resources for other vital case work.
Full Population of Data" Because Valid8 swiftly compiles all the data in a workable format, Riverside DA’s forensic accountants were able to inspect the entire population of data. This enabled them to identify all misused funds and obtain court orders for full restitution.

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CASE Study


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Need to prepare evidence? Help your team follow the flow of funds faster.

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