CASE Study

Identifying Missing Accounts

Going through a divorce is already a difficult and emotional process, but when one spouse suspects the other of not disclosing all the assets, it can become even more sensitive.

In a recent family law forensics matter, the team at Berkowitz Pollack Brant (BPB) was brought in to help equitably split the assets. Through the process of discovery, one spouse began to question whether all financial evidence was being provided. The BPB team needed to identify the missing accounts and provide insight into the suspected undisclosed assets. With more than fifteen bank accounts reaching back over three years and thousands of transactions to sort through, the process of finding the missing accounts presented a very labor-intensive task.To save crucial time in the investigation, the BPB team turned to Valid8.

With the evidence presented, the team at Berkowitz Pollack Brant saw that the data preparation and analysis would take too long. They employed Valid8 to move through the required steps quickly and efficiently.

Valid8 visualization screenshot


The BPB team uploaded bank statements, getting reconciled results within a day.
Employing the Date Gap feature uncovered missing statements that were then requested from the opposing side.
Transfer Matching quickly identified missing accounts, requiring no additional investigation.


Undisclosed assets were surfaced, leading to a favorable outcome for their client.
More than fifteen bank accounts reaching back three years were quickly reconciled and missing statements identified.
The automated reconciliation process ensured the BPB team felt confident the information was reliable.

Customer Testimonials

“I can upload ten accounts to Valid8 in the morning, and in the afternoon I have a reconciled database from which I can begin to build my analysis.”

“Valid8 is not just a time saver for us, it’s also a money saver for the client. They aren’t spending their money on our hourly rate for us to be doing tedious work.”

Need to prepare evidence? Help your team follow the flow of funds faster.

Reach out. We’ll do a 5 minute needs assessment and set you up with a free 30 minute demo.
CASE Study


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Need to prepare evidence? Help your team follow the flow of funds faster.

Reach out. We’ll do a 5 minute needs assessment and set you up with a free 30 minute demo.