Since 1978, federally funded Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCUs) have been at the forefront of maintaining the integrity of the Medicaid program.
While approximately $1.9 billion of taxpayers’ money was recovered by MFCU’s in 2019 from fraud activities like Double Billing, Phantom Billing and False Cost Reports, the high caseload overwhelms most state MFCU agencies. Agents are overworked and forced to prioritize only the worst cases, leaving the rest unprosecuted.
A Valid8 MFCU customer had limited budget availability for increased headcount and the escalating workload threatened to overwhelm their resources.
Recognizing that huge amounts of time and resources were being expended on sorting, reviewing, transcribing and transfer matching bank statement transactions, they reached out to Valid8 for help following a recommendation from a neighboring MFCU.