
Match Transfers Into & Out of Accounts in Minutes

It’s fast and easy to see where the money flows with this automated visualization from the Valid8 platform:

Valid8 accounting software screenshot

Valid8’s Automated Transfer Match

In just minutes, you can:

  • Match money movement from one account to another
  • Identify data discrepancies and undisclosed accounts
  • See sources and uses of funds with an automatic lifestyle visualization
  • Match payee and payor information from checks to the associated bank transaction in just a few hours

How to Use Transfer Match

Valid8 customers simply upload their banking transaction data from bank statements, check images, deposit slip images, and accounting systems, and the Valid8 platform does the rest.

Valid8 Financial accounting software - process map
Let us show you how you can trace the flow of funds and generate courtroom-ready evidence in hours instead of weeks:

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Transfer Match is available at no additional cost to subscribers as part of our ongoing commitment to leverage automation and the latest in AI technology in service of accounting, legal, and government professionals.