Valid8 customer testimonials

See how financial professionals — from accountants to attorneys to government investigators — use Valid8 to trace the flow of funds quickly and accurately.

Todd Tracy: "It was very groundbreaking for us to work with Valid8. I had never seen anything like this — that could take a set of basically non-existent financial books, and create for me and for my client and for the court readable, understandable, traceable, trackable information."

Matt Sutorius: "To instantly look at the cash journal and see that everything that the client says happened did happen on the bank statements in real time — it really is a game changer for us. In fact, every time I introduce anyone to Valid8 and show them what it's capable of doing, they are shocked, and they say, 'Why didn't you show this to me a year ago?'"

Eric Orse: "Valid8 allowed us within a week to 10 days to pull together an analysis of all the bank statements for the prior 10 years, which is critical as a Chapter 11 trustee and very important from a time perspective and cost-effective perspective. Valid8 will change the future of forensic accounting."

Isaac Prieto: "I know now that I can handle multiple projects at once because I know that it's a matter of just pushing a PDF through Valid8, and that it'll be done within a day or two."

Matt Sutorius: "I bring up software like Valid8 in nearly every interview because it's a differentiator for us."

Cassie Binford: "It definitely changes the nature of the job. I think it makes it a lot more interesting. You don't have to go through all of the mundane checking things off the list. It makes you able to look at it more high level and do the more interesting pieces of the job, for sure."

Matt Sutorius: "I think Valid8 will change the auditing industry. I think the ability to look at 100% of a population instantly and not have the the inherent flaw associated with the person going through that level of transactional detail — it will change how we audit. It will mean the end of statistical sampling. It'll mean that the auditing standards have to be rewritten because right now, they don't contemplate people having the ability to do things like this."

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